Progress towards your Skills section is something that can easily be done from the confines of your own home. If you are learning a musical instrument, a new language, cooking new recipes, designing software or creating art, chances are you have all the tools you need at home to continue working towards your goal.
If you can, get in contact with your Activity Coach or Assessor to help you find some activities that can be done from home, or alternatively you can look online to find tutorials to help continue your progress towards that skill.
Once you have found some suitable activities that can be done at home, be sure to take lots of photos or videos of the activity so that you can show your Assessor the progress you have made.
You can upload these photos or videos directly to the Online Record Book (ORB) when making your weekly logs. Check the full list of skills you can do as part of your DofE Award.

Physical Recreation
This section is about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and increasing your fitness. It is very important to keep this up, especially if you are restricted to your house.
Whatever activity and goal you have chosen for the Physical Recreation section, there are many ways to continue progressing by doing your own home workouts. Increasing your fitness levels in home workout sessions will undoubtedly contribute to your physical recreation goals.
There are also more specific targeted exercise programmes that can be done from home to specifically develop strength, coordination, reflexes, flexibility or fitness that will contribute to your goal.
Get in contact with your Assessor to get some ideas, or you can look online to find limitless ideas for home workout sessions to work towards your chosen goal.
It’s important to show evidence of your progress to your Assessor, so be sure to upload any photos, videos or workout plans to your ORB weekly logs. Check the full list of psychical recreation activities you can do as part of your Award.

Voluntary Service
The Voluntary Service section may seem difficult to complete remotely, especially if you have chosen a group project activity with your peers, or if your goal requires you to visit a particular location away from your home.
However, there are always activities that can be done from home that contribute to your overall goal. Remotely working towards a project is possible, as you can start a chat group with your fellow participants and brainstorm activities that can be done at home to continue contributing to the project.
Online research, creating brochures for raising awareness or posting helpful things online for the community can all be activities that contribute to your goal.
If you are not sure of what activities that can be done to contribute to your Service section, get in contact with your Award Leader or Assessor to support you in finding new creative ideas. Check the full list of voluntary service activities you can do as part of your Award.

Adventurous Journey
As the Adventurous Journey and Gold Residential Project sections are group activities, they both represent the most challenging sections to complete during the virus outbreak.
Many planned practice and qualifying Adventurous Journeys have been delayed, which is important to prevent the spread of the virus. However, that doesn’t mean that all progress must be halted.
If you already have a team for the Adventurous Journey, you can keep in contact with your team and supervisor online using emails or chat group. There are many resources available online with activities to develop your navigation, first aid, environmental awareness and camp craft skills that you can do at home.
It’s important to stay in contact with your team and supervisor so that you can ensure that when your school or organisation reopens and your journeys can resume, you will be more prepared!

Gold Residential Project
Finally, if you are at Gold, you can also start planning in detail what you may wish to do for your Residential Project from your home and potentially reaching out to organisations that you are keen to support and/or work with for your project.
Check the full list of adventurous journey and gold residential project activities you can do as part of your Award.

There are many options to choose from in this area.
From playing a musical instrument through studying foreign languages to cooking or programming.
You set achievable goals and thus improve your skills, work on your talent or acquire completely new skills.
The important thing is that you will enjoy it.
Physical activity
Physical activity will help you improve performance and physical condition.
Maybe you’ll work on teamwork in volleyball or meet new people while skating.
You don’t have to be the best and win medals, you just want to move a little further.
You will also learn to care for a healthy lifestyle.
When volunteering, you can work on yourself, but also help others.
You will need to develop your tolerance, responsibility and patience. In addition to tutoring classmates, this includes clearing the forest, working with children, helping with a food bank and much more.
You can ask your leader about volunteering opportunities.
Adventurous Journey
The Adventurous Journey is a challenge for you to overcome fears of the unknown and also an opportunity to go out with nature for a few days and discover interesting places in Romania and abroad.
The expedition always has a purpose, such as mapping forgotten places, collecting plants in a herbarium or overcoming the entire section of the river.
The Gold Residential Project gives participants a shared, purposeful experience with people who are not their usual companions, working towards a common goal. It should be an experience that broadens the participant’s outlook and horizons.
There are many different opportunities for completing a Gold Residential Project. Some suitable categories are listed below. It is worth re-emphasising that the activity must be purposeful and not be considered as a holiday. These may include:
• Personal training courses, Environment and conservation projects,
Service to other people and communities or Activity based.
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Follow DofE
What is the DofE
DofE is a challenge for everyone between the ages of 14 and 24. This is a personal development program and you can complete it anywhere in Romania. It will take you one afternoon each week. Sounds good? Read on.
At DofE, the point is for each participant to engage in activities they enjoy. It is important to learn to achieve your goals and try something new. Graduates of the program obtain an internationally recognized certificate, which is suitable for resumes, but also for study abroad.
There are 1.3 million young people in the world who are completing the DofE program.
Virtual Award Centre
If your high school, university or work place does not deliver the Award yet and you are under 25 years old, you can do the Award independently through the National Office and we will be assigned a Virtual Award Leader.
Completing the Award this way does require the participant to be self-motivated and to seek out opportunities themselves.
How to get started with the Virtual Award Center
Award Participants
Award Leaders
Social Value
Years in Romania
The Award program
Supported by personalities
„Our purpose is to build more than lives – is helpful in shaping and strengthening the new generations that Romania needs for its own future.”
Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of Romanian Crown
HRH Prince Philip
Duke of Edinburgh – Program Founder
HRH Prince Edward
Chairman of the Award at global level
HM Margareta
Custodian of Romanian Crown
Andrew Noble
British Ambassador in Romainia

International Cooperation
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award operates in more than 130 countries worldwide.
Thanks to this, it offers its participants and volunteers a wide range of possibilities in terms of international cooperation and foreign projects and expeditions.

Tu decizi când eşti gata, pentru a reuşi. Award-ul nu este un sprint, este un maraton. În DofE tu câştigi atunci cand îţi depăşeşti propriile limite iar astfel vei da dovadă de perseverenţă şi determinare.

În program, fiecare participant îşi stabileşte activităţile şi îşi atinge obiectivele la fiecare dintre cele patru secţiuni, iar la nivelul de Aur, participă la o secţiune adiţională –
Proiectul rezidenţial.

Participanţii Award ce finalizează programul primesc un certificat ce este recunoscut de către şcoli şi angajatorii din ţară şi din străinătate. De asemeni, tânărul va dobândi abilităţi şi experienţe utile în …
Prin rolul meu simbolic ca Patron al programului în România, sper ca misiunea noastră de a oferi demnitate, încredere şi speranţă miilor de tineri români.
În această misiune, atât Familia Regală cât şi eu însămi vom fi parteneri implicaţi. Ceea ce ne propunem să facem este mai mult decât a construi vieţi – este un ajutor în a forma şi întări noile generaţii de care România are nevoie pentru propriul ei viitor.