The National Volunteer Week is celebrated this year too in the Award community, with activities that promote and celebrate the power we have TOGETHER, the undeniable and lasting value of volunteering.

Friday: Human Library organized with inspirational young people, where readers can come and borrow books for a limited time, but this time the books are living beings that enter into a personal dialogue with readers.

Saturday: Award Leaders Training Course, along with 40 teachers and youth workers from across the country, who will support and motivate young people in local communities to achieve their goals and find their potential through the Award program.

Sunday: Hiking expedition on Colinele Iașului, part of the preparation for the Adventurous Journey Section, alongside young people from Asociația Studenților Psihologi și Pedagogi Iași.

The week of May 10-16, 2021 will celebrate the volunteer, with over 250 activities all over the country, in more than 90 places in Romania. 

SNV is an event initiated and coordinated by Pro Vobis – Centrul Național de Resurse pentru Voluntariat.

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