The Award in Action during COVID-19
Every Award participant that completes the programme receives a certificate which is recognized by schools and employers from within the country and from abroad. Also, the To support our participants and Award Leaders, both now and when social distancing measures lessen, we’re introducing some temporary program changes. We have worked with our partners and global Award family to develop a list of activity ideas you can do from the comfort of your own home.
Temporary program changes will be in effect from May 1 2020 – Dec 31 2022 and will be continually reviewed. For more information on how young people can complete the Award during this time you can visit our resource pages (see links below). We will continue to update this page with resources for both participants and Award Leaders.
By taking part in the Award, you are already doing amazing things to help build resilience in yourself and in your community. And we know there are a huge range of examples of how the Award is not only still in action during COVID-19 but that this resilience is needed now, more than ever.
Tips and Resources to doing your Award@home

Progress towards your Skills section is something that can easily be done from the confines of your own home. If you are learning a musical instrument, a new language, cooking new recipes, designing software or creating art, chances are you have all the tools you need at home to continue working towards your goal. If you can, get in contact with your Activity Coach or Assessor to help you find some activities that can be done from home, or alternatively you can look online to find tutorials to help continue your progress towards that skill. Once you have found some suitable activities that can be done at home, be sure to take lots of photos or videos of the activity so that you can show your Assessor the progress you have made. You can upload these photos or videos directly to the Online Record Book (ORB) when making your weekly logs. Check the full list here.

Physical Recreation
This section is about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and increasing your fitness. It is very important to keep this up, especially if you are restricted to your house. Whatever activity and goal you have chosen for the Physical Recreation section, there are many ways to continue progressing by doing your own home workouts. Increasing your fitness levels in home workout sessions will undoubtedly contribute to your physical recreation goals. There are also more specific targeted exercise programmes that can be done from home to specifically develop strength, coordination, reflexes, flexibility or fitness that will contribute to your goal. Get in contact with your Assessor to get some ideas, or you can look online to find limitless ideas for home workout sessions to work towards your chosen goal. It’s important to show evidence of your progress to your Assessor, so be sure to upload any photos, videos or workout plans to your ORB weekly logs. Check the full list here.

Voluntary Service
The Voluntary Service section may seem difficult to complete remotely, especially if you have chosen a group project activity with your peers, or if your goal requires you to visit a particular location away from your home. However, there are always activities that can be done from home that contribute to your overall goal. Remotely working towards a project is possible, as you can start a chat group with your fellow participants and brainstorm activities that can be done at home to continue contributing to the project. Online research, creating brochures for raising awareness or posting helpful things online for the community can all be activities that contribute to your goal. If you are not sure of what activities that can be done to contribute to your Service section, get in contact with your Award Leader or Assessor to support you in finding new creative ideas. Check the full list here.

Adventurous Journey
As the Adventurous Journey section is a group activity, it represents one of thAs the Adventurous Journey and Gold Residential Project sections are group activities, they both represent the most challenging sections to complete during the virus outbreak. Many planned practice and qualifying Adventurous Journeys have been delayed, which is important to prevent the spread of the virus. However, that doesn’t mean that all progress must be halted. If you already have a team for the Adventurous Journey, you can keep in contact with your team and supervisor online using emails or chat group. There are many resources available online with activities to develop your navigation, first aid, environmental awareness and camp craft skills that you can do at home. It’s important to stay in contact with your team and supervisor so that you can ensure that when your school or organisation reopens and your journeys can resume, you will be more prepared! Check the full list here.

Gold Residential Project
Finally, if you are at Gold, you can also start planning in detail what you may wish to do for your Residential Project from your home and potentially reaching out to organisations that you are keen to support and/or work with for your project. Check the full list here.