
Board of Directors

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Shajjad Rizvi  MBE – Chairman

Shajjad Hadier Rizvi, appointed Honorary Consul of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is the Chair of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award in Romania, Director of the Romanian-British Chamber of Commerce in Cluj Napoca, and founding member of Youth Cancer Europe, a European organization that supports young people who have overcome cancer.

DESPRE AWARD Echipa noastra Echipa nationala Mihaela Maris

Mihaela Mariș – Vicepresident

Mihaela is involved in the Award programme for ten years, from completing her Gold, supporting young people to do their Award, being part of the team who started to implement it nationwide to being National Coordinator of the Award in Romania and now supporting the foundation with the strategic partnerships.

DESPRE AWARD Echipa noastra Consiliu director Erika Hristea

Erika Hristea

Member in the Board of Directors of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Romania Foundation
World Fellowship member

Teofil Muresan foto

Teofil Mureșan

Member in the Board of Directors of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Romania Foundation
World Fellowship member
E-INFRA Founder and CEO

DESPRE AWARD Echipa noastra Consiliu director Charlie Crocker

Charlie Crocker

Member in the Board of Directors of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Romania Foundation

Chief Partner Officer of Telios Care SA

Member on our Board and Director on the Board of the British Romanian Chamber of Commerce.

Tanya Collingridge

Member in the Board of Directors of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Romania Foundation

Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Romania and career diplomat, whose career has taken her on postings to Warsaw, Vienna, Lagos, Tel Aviv, Bucharest, Brussels and Paris.

Operational Team

Carmen Dragomir

Carmen Dragomir

Programme Manager


Phone: +40 771 040 602

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Mihaela Mariș

Operations Manager 


Phone: +40 764 579 508

Anca Doczi Luchian

Anca Doczi Luchian

Stand by Me: Project Manager


Phone: +40 799 782 808

Elsa Sam

Elsa Sam

Stand by Me: Outreach and Communication Specialist


Phone: +40 753 013 984

Adriana Zaharia

Digital programmes manager (ORB and AOC)


Phone: +40 744 708 516

Botond Cserei

Transylvania Regional manager Specialist, Stand by Me Project


Phone: +40 744 785 818

Contact Us

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Romania FoundatioN
Registered number 6661/4/2014
CIF 33302919
Account RO16BTRLRONCRT0241205001, Transylvania Bank