What is our social value?
Social value is the value of the difference we make. It is the value of the changes that stakeholders – such as young people, adults involved in the Award delivery, businesses and governments – experience due to the Award.
Through our social value model we are uncovering how these changes occur. Through welfare economics we can represent these changes in monetary terms. Social value evaluation helps us understand the contribution of the Award to society and economy.
The methodology of our social value evaluation uses quantitative research and data to value the following broad, long-term effects of the Award on individuals and their communities.
Building the future: The impact of non-formal education and learning in times of disruption

We are happy to present our first annual impact report, a joint publication with our Social Value partner PwC UK: Building the future. In this report, we tell the story of the impact of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award worldwide in 2020.
Building the future is a testimony to how The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award has stood the test of a pandemic and went on to generate a total global social value of £400m in 2020. The reach of the Award was significantly affected in this year due to reduced ability to continue to deliver the Award and restrictions on Award activities of young people. Thanks to the hard work of our Award Operators worldwide, the Award not only survived but also remained relevant, provided structure, purpose and opportunities for contact for young people at a time that was much needed.
Whilst there was a decline in the number of young people starting and completing their Award due to the restrictions of the pandemic, still, an impressive number of people got involved and perhaps more importantly, their experience with the Award remained as positive as previous years. The good news is, the global Award network have started to recover and continue to extend their reach as they adapt to new ways of operating, learning and coming together.
This report builds on the impact measurement initiatives that The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation has been implementing in partnership with PwC, academic partners and Award Operators worldwide. It includes global impact data and country spotlights from Canada, Ghana, Jordan, New Zealand, and Romania.
The full report can be read here: Building the future report.